Master and Commander
From: Wild Magic World
From: High Tech World
A disposable animal, superficially resembling Wuty, but possessing none of the reasoning power. An informational drone, directing work drones and ensuring progress continues unimpeded.
Frontier Android
From: Wild Magic World
From: High Tech World
A generic android. Encountered so commonly, each unit can be easily mistaken for one of the others. Handles the small scale task completion. Expensive, but flexible and easily maintained.
Wild Magic Characters
Hight Tech Characters

Master and Commander

Virtual Communicator

Life Generator

Primary Work Drone

Frontier Android

Recruit Commander

2 Generation Leader

5-Iteration Work-Bot
Wild Magic
Born together with the planet, what the creatures of Armaldia lack in technological advances, they more than compensate with their attunement to the chaotic energy surrounding their world. The life forces of Armaldia, labeled as Wild Magic, encompass many unusual phenomena occurring on the planet, including mobile plant-like creatures and seemingly conscious natural architecture. Their primary concern is self-preservation, which is threatened by the outsider invasion.
High Tech
Optimized for the purpose of planetary exploitation, the merciless android race gained notoriety for laying waste to anything and everything standing in its way. Known for utilizing advanced technology, the Hitech are identified by their shiny metal exteriors, energy beams and slick architecture. The rich composition of Armaldia was discovered by Hitech probes and has prompted a wide-scale invasion to destroy the potential threat of wild beasts present on the planet.